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Overseas citizen of India (OCI)

What is an overseas citizen of India (OCI)?


The Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) scheme allows registration as an OCI for all Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) who were citizens of India on or after January 26, 1950, or were eligible to become Indian citizens on that date. However, this excludes individuals who are or have been citizens of Pakistan, Bangladesh, or any other country that the Indian government may specify in an official notification.

  • The Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) status should not be mistaken for dual citizenship.
  • OCIs do not have political rights. However, registered OCIs receive a multi-entry, multi-purpose, lifelong visa for travel to India.
  • OCIs are also exempt from registering with the Foreign Regional Registration Officer or Foreign Registration Officer, regardless of their length of stay in India.
  • In general, OCIs have the same rights and privileges as Non-Resident Indians (NRIs).



Difference between OCI & PIO


The Government of India announced vide Gazette Notification No.26011/01/2014-F.I dated 09.01.2015 that all PIO cards issued till 09.01.2015 are deemed to be OCI cards. Henceforth applicants may apply for OCI card only, as PIO card scheme is no longer in existence.