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सक्रिय टेंडर

क्र स. टेंडर संदर्भ सं टेंडर शीर्षक प्रकाशन की तारीख प्रस्तुतीकरण की अंतिम तारीख /नोटिफिकेशन तारीख (जो भी लागू हो) दस्तावेज़
11 RO: ASR:BSD: 2023-24:261

for Interior, Furnishing, Electrical & allied works & Data Cabling works in Central Bank of India Civil Lines, Amritsar at Dist. Amritsar

12 RO:ETAW:BSD:2024-25:422

Tender for Furbishing (Furniture, Electrical, Data Cabling & Low Side Air-Conditioning) work at RO Etawah under Etawah Region


Selection of Vendor for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Comuter Hardfware and Peripherals at Branches & Offices under AURANGABAD Region

14 CO/BSD/SECURITY/AP/2024-25/00822

Sale of Bank's Vehicle, Mumbai

15 RO/NAGPUR/BSD/2024-25/255

Requirement of Premises for Salod Hirapur Branch, Dist. Wardha, Nagpur Region

16 GEM/2025/B/6049906

Selecting a Public Cloud-Based Learning Management System (LMS) including Mobile Application for the Bank


17 RO/RCC/Tender/2024-25/95

Hardware AMC Tender - Hoshangabad Region

18 RO/LUDH/BSD/2024-25/ 136

Searching of premises for shifting of Sarabha Nagar, Ludhiana Branch, Distt  Ludhiana, Punjab

19 GEM/2025/B/6001655

Procurement of Microsoft Visual Studio and MS SQL Server Database Software and License with ATS

20 RO/RCC/AMC/ 2024-25 /42

AMC of Computer HARDWARE and Peripherals at various branches and Offices under Raipur Region