S No |
Section |
Service Charges Pertaining to |
Section- A |
Retail Credit |
Section- B |
Agriculture Credit |
Section- C |
Credit (Except Schematic MSME/Retail & Agriculture Credit) |
Section- D |
Forex |
Section- E |
General Banking |
Section- F |
Digital Banking |
Section- G |
Business Correspondent (BC Point) |
Section- H |
Demat |
The updated service charges pertaining to the following categories:
S NO |
1.1 |
Housing Loan |
0.50% of the loan amount Minimum – ₹2,500/- Maximum – ₹20,000/- |
₹ 1350/- |
Takeover of Loan ₹2,500/- |
1.2 |
Top Up Home Loan (Term Loan) |
0.50% of loan amount |
₹ 450/- |
2.1 |
Cent Swabhiman Scheme |
0.15% + GST Maximum ₹15000/- |
₹ 1000/- |
3.1 |
Earnest Money Deposit |
₹100/- per application |
4.1 |
Cent vehicle Four Wheeler |
0.50% of Loan Amount; Subject to Minimum: ₹ 2,000/-& Maximum: ₹ 20,000/- |
4.2 |
Two Wheeler Loan – |
0.50% of Loan Amount; Subject to Minimum: ₹ 500/- & Maximum: ₹ 2,000/- |
5.1 |
Education Loan (other than loan for overseas studies) |
5.2 |
Children of Staff Members for Overseas studies |
5.3 |
Overseas studies |
1% of the loan amount, Minimum ₹ 15,000/- (Non-refundable) |
6.1 |
Personal Loan |
1.00% of loan amount
Defence Personnel: NIL |
Up to ₹ 2 lakh- ₹270/- Above ₹ 2 lakh- ₹450/- For Defence Personnel: NIL
6.3 |
Personal Loan to Pensioners |
₹ 500/- |
Processing Fee |
Appraisal Fee
Table 1: Appraisal fee in case of fresh or renewal of gold loan and Appraiser is NOT registered under GST:
Table 2: Appraisal fee in case of fresh or renewal of gold loan and Appraiser is registered under GST (including Corporate Appraiser)
Table 3: Fee payable to Appraiser (NOT registered under GST)
Table 4: Fee payable to Appraiser (registered under GST) (including Corporate Appraiser)
Safe Keeping Charges |
Safe Keeping charges will be levied after 30 days of expiry of tenure of the Gold Loan or after 30 days of closure of loan, if gold ornaments are not redeemed.
Nomination Charges |
8.1 |
Processing Fees |
For Term Loan – 1.00 % of sanctioned loan amount + GST & Maximum ₹ 50000.00/- Renewal Charges For OD - 0.50% + GST Maximum ₹ 5000.00 |
8.2 |
Documentation Charges |
For loan up to ₹ 50.00 lakh – ₹ 2500/- For Loans above ₹ 50.00 lakh – ₹ 5000/- |
9 |
Cent Rental Scheme Processing Fees |
1% of Loan amount + GST Max ₹ 3 lakh |
9.2 |
Documentation Charges |
For loan up to ₹ 50.00 lakh – ₹ 2500/- For Loans above ₹ 50.00 lakh – ₹ 5000/- |
Note: API Integration Charges of ₹ 81 + GST to be recovered for fresh proposal of Retail Loan. |
S NO |
1.1 |
Processing Fee (Fresh/ Renewal/ Enhancement) |
2.1 |
Upfront Fee for Fresh Term Loans and Processing Fee for Renewal/ Review of Term Loans |
NOTE: Besides, Processing Fees, CIC/ CERSAI/Insurance etc.) shall also be borne by the borrower
3.1 |
Documentation Charges for Advance (Fund Based)/ (Non-Fund Based) |
4.1 |
Inspection/ Supervision Charges (Inspection charges are per inspection) |
S No |
Particulars |
Charges |
1.1 |
Opening Charges (per LC) |
Opening charges 1.00% per annum. (Charges for the period of liability from the date of opening of credit to the last date of opening of Credit to the last date of its validity @ 0.25% for every period of 3 months or part thereof with minimum of ₹ 500/-. Usance Charges 2.00% per annum. (For the usance period for complete month or part thereof. In case of Sight bills/usance for less than 1month, minimum 1month charges @ 0.1675%, minimum ₹ 1000/-. |
1.2 |
Charges for Confirmation of LC |
Normal charges as mentioned in Para 1.1 |
1.3 |
Revolving Letter of Credit |
Normal charges as mentioned in Para 1.1 to be applicable both at the time of opening and on reinstatement. |
1.4 |
Advising of LC charges |
Retirement charges: @ 0.10% per Bill, maximum ₹1000/- . |
1.5 |
Charges for discrepant documents negotiated/ discounted by our bank under LC opened by our Bank or any other bank |
Flat 0.30% subject to minimum of ₹3000/- (If payment received and credited to beneficiary account). |
1.6 |
Attestation Charges for Certificates/ Commercial Invoices |
₹100/- per invoice on each occasion; (When the beneficiary asks for attestation of commercial invoice at the time of negotiation/collection, such attestation, may be done free of charge; however, if the beneficiary ask for attestation of invoices on a subsequent occasion then prescribed charges should be levied on each and every occasion if it is found necessary to do so.) |
1.7 |
Transfer Charges for Transferable LC |
₹ 1000/- Flat for each transfer The transfer charges shall be levied on the account of first beneficiary of the credit, unless otherwise specified. |
1.8 |
Negotiating Charges For bills negotiated /discounted under L/C opened by our Bank or other bank |
₹ 1000/- plus interest per bill at the applicable rate of interest from the date of negotiation to the date of reimbursement of funds to the bank.
1.9 |
Amendment Charges |
1.10 |
Charges for Letter of Credit based on Liquid Margin |
1.11 |
Postage / Out of Pocket Expenses |
Postages/Courier ₹ 200/-. All out of pocket expenses shall be collected from the beneficiary, unless otherwise specified. |
2.1 |
Bank Guarantees |
Renewal of Guarantee |
Same as applicable for issuance of fresh guarantees except that the claim period be not charged if the renewal is affected before the expiry date of the original guarantee. |
2.2 |
Charges for Bank Guarantees based on Liquid Margin |
2.3 |
Bank Guarantee Counter Guaranteed by Central Government/State Government/ ECGC/Scheduled Commercial Bank having Minimum required Regulatory CRAR including CCB |
50% of normal commission applicable on Bank Guarantee up to the extent of counter guarantee amount. Normal charges on guarantee amount not covered by counter guarantee. |
2.4 |
Commission for Stand by LC (SBLC) |
Commission at par with Financial Bank Guarantee shall be charged. |
3.1 |
For Fund Based/Non Fund Based Working Capital Advances (Fresh/Renewal/Enhancement) |
Expenses other than Process Fees (i.e. CIC/CERSAI/Insurance, etc.) shall also be borne by the borrower. NOTE:
CONSORTIUM ADVANCES: As decided in Consortium meeting or leader bank. ENHANCEMENT: As per normal rates mentioned above in Para 3.1 and pro rata for the relevant period so as to coincide with the expiry date of original limit. |
3.2 |
ADHOC Sanction |
3.3 |
Annual Review for 6 months/ Extension of validity of sanction / Short review |
Up to ₹10/- lakh- Normal charges Above ₹10/- lakh– 150% of Normal charges
(The above clause shall be part of process note and sanction letter.) |
3.4 |
Recovery of Process Fee |
Recovery of process fee should NOT be insisted upfront in following cases and collected on conveying sanction:
Process Fee/Upfront Fee for Conveying NBG Approval if the proposal is approved in NBG meeting, charges of ₹ 2.00 lakh should be recovered by branch from the customer while conveying NBG approval and if:
4.1 |
Upfront Fee - Term Loans (Including DPG) |
Upfront Fee - Term Loans (Including DPG)
*Expenses other than Upfront fee (i.e. CIC/ CERSAI/ Insurance etc.) shall be borne by the borrower.
4.2 |
Annual Review Charges for Term Loan (applicable for the sanction after 01/10/2017)
5.1 |
Fund Based and Non Fund Based Limit
Commitment charges shall not be levied in cases where existing/prospective borrowers have executed documents containing the required clause for unconditional cancellation (UCC) of limits. Operative limit if fixed on the basis of QRS/FFS form, shall be reckoned for calculating the commitment charges.
In case of partly drawn Term Loan, commitment charges to be levied irrespective of the fact whether the borrower has executed the necessary documents containing unconditional cancellable limit clause or not.
For FUND BASED Limit including TERM LOANS:
Unutilized portion in case of industries financed under monthly cash budget should be arrived at with reference to average utilization during the month and the monthly operative limit.
For FUND BASED Limit including TERM LOANS:
FOR NON-FUND BASED LIMIT: NFB Facilities of the above class of borrowers will be subjected to Commitment Charges as detailed at A above.
#All unrated claims on Corporates, AFCs and NBFC-IFCs having aggregate exposure from banking system of more than ₹.100.00 crore which were rated earlier and subsequently have become unrated will attract a risk weight of 150%.
5.2 |
Exempted Cases for Levying Commitment Charges |
Advance against units of LIP/Mutual Funds / NSCs / KVP/ IVP/ UTI/ Govt. Securities/Shares |
This fee is only one time/ first sanction not applicable on Renewal. |
Advance against Bank’s own time deposit Receipts
6.1 |
Documentation Charges (Fund Based)/ (Non-Fund Based) |
CONSORTIUM ADVANCES: Documentation charges shall be applicable in line with Consortium.
DOCUMENTATION CHARGES ON ADHOC: At par of normal documentation charges
7.1 |
Inspection/ Supervision Charges |
CONSORTIUM ADVANCES: As per decision taken in consortium meeting. However, if there is no decision in consortium meeting in respect of Inspection Charges, charges to be levied as per Para above. |
8.1 |
Lead Bank Charges where our Bank is the Lead Bank Under Consortium
TEV Study charges: The charges of the Consultants shall have to be borne by the concerned borrower and the loan applicant should be clearly informed of the same. Moreover, the payment to the Consultant should be made by the Bank directly and TEV study should be conducted at the instance of the Bank and not at the request of the borrower.
The fee structure as approved by the Bank’s Board payable to the consultant is as under:
TEV Vetting Charges |
Charges for vetting of TEV study shall be 50% of applicable TEV appraisal charges as mentioned above. |
10.1 |
Purchase / Discount of Bills / Cheques / Drafts |
In addition to above charges, discount/interest* at applicable rate plus out of pocket expenses if any will be charged.
*For Borrowal Accounts– Rate of interest applicable for WC advance to the respective borrower.
For Non-Borrowal Accounts– Rate of Interest applicable to Clean OD. |
10.2 |
Charges for Amendments / Modifications of Accepted Sanction Terms |
0.02% of loan amount (Minimum ₹ 1000/- and maximum ₹ 5.00 lakh) |
10.3 |
Revalidation of Sanction |
50% of applicable Process Fee; subject to Max ₹ 2.50 lakh |
10.4 |
Issuance of NOC for All Types i.e., Ceding First / Second Charge / Other Purpose |
0.05% of limit, Min. ₹ 2000/- Max. ₹ 50,000/-
However, the same shall not be applicable to consortium banking arrangement |
10.5 |
Issuance of Solvency Certificate (Non Commercial / Commercial) |
0.10% of certificate amount with a minimum of ₹1000/- and maximum ₹25000/-.
NOTE: Any additional certificate issued within a period of 3 months of issuance of 1st solvency certificate, only 50% of the applicable charges shall be levied.
10.6 |
Issuance of Any Other Certificate i.e. No Dues, Balance Confirmation, Maintenance of Account, etc. on Behalf of Our Clients as well as Clients Referred by Other Banks Other than for Govt. Sponsored Schemes |
10.7 |
Fee For Opening / Operating TRA / ESCROW Account
10.8 |
Charges for Copy of Documents for Submission to Any Statutory Authority by the Borrower
10.9 |
Providing Credit Information / Opinion Including Introduction in case of Borrowal Accounts if Provided on Request of the Borrower |
₹ 1000/- per occasion |
10.10 |
Registration of Power of Attorney
10.11 |
Handling Charges |
Wherever full waiver of Processing fee or Upfront fee is permitted, ‘Handling Charges’ @ ₹ 15.00 per Lakh or part thereof, subject to maximum of ₹ 1.00 lakh are to be recovered from borrowers availing limits of ₹ 1.00 crore & above, separately in lieu of Processing fee & Upfront fee. |
10.12 |
Loan / Debt Syndication and Project Appraisal Charges
10.13 |
Fee for Underwriting Assignments |
@ 0.25% of the total debt be recovered at the time of conveying our sanction. This fee is to be recovered over & above the syndication fee of 0.50% of total debt as mentioned above. |
10.14 |
Additional Jobs/ Responsibilities on Behalf of Lender Banks, in respect of All Term Loans Sanctioned under Consortium/ Syndication/Multiple Banking Arrangement, Involving Total Term Loan Component of ₹ 5.00 crore and Above |
10.15 |
Processing Charges/ Upfront Charges/ Other Charges etc. for Advances to Honourably Retired Employee |
50% of applicable charges in respect of Honourably Retired Employees of our bank/ Widows of Honourably Retired members of Staff.
NOTE: The term Retired Employee includes the employees retired honourably or leaving bank’s service including voluntary retirement or otherwise but does not include an employee retired compulsorily or in consequences of disciplinary action. |
10.16 |
Pre-Payment / Foreclosure of Loan in Case of Take Over i.e. Loan is Prepaid by the Non-Individual Borrower for Shifting to Other Bank / FI |
Pre-payment charges @ 4% of the pre-paid outstanding amount. However, no prepayment charges are to be levied in the following cases:
10.17 |
Additional Rate of Interest and Penal Charges
10.18 |
Concession Amount to be Recovered in Case of Takeover of the Account |
In case of account is being taken over by the other bank/FI, in addition to levying prepayment charges, all the concession/relaxation/waiver in the service charge, ROI etc. granted since last sanction/review/renewal of the facility or sanction accepted by the borrower with such clause, whichever is earlier, in the account shall be withdrawn and respective amount shall be recovered from the borrower. The same clause shall invariably be incorporated in the sanction letter & acceptance of borrower in this regard shall be obtained & kept on record. |
11.1 |
Out of Pocket Expenses |
All out of pocket expenses such as Registration / Modification /Satisfaction of charges shall be collected from the beneficiary, unless otherwise specified. |
11.2 |
Credit Information Report (CIC) Charges (i.e. TU CIBIL, CRIF High Mark, Experian, Equifax) |
11.3 |
NeSL Charges
11.4 |
CERSAI Charges |
11.5 |
LSR / NEC Charges
*Plus actual out of pocket expenses to be recovered from borrower.
11.6 |
Mortgage Charges |
11.7 |
VALUATION FEES A)Valuation fees for property including Machinery - Retail/Agriculture advances:
B) Valuation of properties for other than Retail/Agriculture advances – Including Plant & Machinery
11.8 |
Levy of Cash Order / Draft / RTGS / NEFT Charges While Disbursing Term Loan |
While issuing instruments for remittance of funds directly in favour of supplier, for disbursement of term loan, no charges are to be recovered for issuance of Pay Order/Draft/RTGS/ NEFT/other mode.
12.1 |
Loyalty Bonus To Privileged Borrower |
Definition of Privileged Borrower:
Existing borrower of our bank availing business loan for last 10 years under sole / Multiple / Consortium banking with satisfactory conduct* of account.
*Satisfactory Conduct of the account means:
12.2 |
Concession to MSME Borrower in case of Applications Received through PSB Online Portal |
20% Concession in Processing/ Upfront fee will be given in case of applications received through PSB online portal in respect of MSME category of borrowers to promote the digital platform (i.e. psbloansin59minutes.com which promotes the automation and digitization of various processes of Business Loan). |
12.3 |
Other charges for using services of PSB loans portal |
Actual charges for utilising other services of the portal viz. digital monitoring etc. are to be recovered from the customers. |
S No |
Particulars |
Charges |
1.1 |
Bill Purchased / Discounted / Negotiated/ Collection / Consignment Exports / Advance Payment Basis (including Export to Warehouse, Merchanting Trade, Deemed Export, Service or Software Export, Regular Export, etc.) |
For BL/AWB/PP/PR per Bill lodgement - ₹ 1000 Per Bill Lodgement (Per BL/AWB/PP/PR) irrespective of bill amount.
₹ 250 Per BL/AWB/PP/PR - 100% Advance Received (IRM/FIRC Value Date Should not be later than the BL/AWB/PP/PR and Shipping Bill date) irrespective of bill amount.
For Courier Receipt / e-commerce: ₹ 250/- per Bill/Invoice for e-commerce & Courier Receipt bills irrespective of bill amount.
*Including e-BRC charges NOTE: The above rates shall be applicable for maximum up to 5 Shipping Bills. For over and above 5 shipping bills, ₹ 500 per shipping bill will be charged in addition to above charges
1.2 |
Forwarding Export Documents to Another Bank Due to Reasons such as LC Being Restricted to later or the LC has been Confirmed by that Bank |
₹ 1500/- flat per Bill plus out of pocket expenses, if any on actual basis |
1.3 |
Reimbursement charges for all type of Export Bills |
₹ 1000/- per claim exclusive of SWIFT(MT742) Charges |
1.4 |
For Joining Customer's Guarantees and Giving Guarantees and For Giving Guarantees / Indemnities on Behalf of Customers to Other Banks in India in Respect of Discrepancies, etc. in Documents Negotiated Under L/C |
0.25% of the bill amount with a min of ₹1000/- per bill (Maximum ₹25000/-) plus out of pocket expenses, if any on actual basis. |
1.5 |
Export Bill Overdue Charges |
₹500/- per bill per month (To be recovered from due date on upfront basis) |
1.6 |
Certificates / Attestation Charges in Respect of Export Transactions (Not Specified Elsewhere) |
Per certificate/ Invoice
1.7 |
Additions for Export Transactions
1.8 |
Advising Charges |
₹ 1000/- per LC for our bank’s customer ₹ 2000/- per LC for other bank’s customer |
1.9 |
Amendment charges on Advised Export LC |
₹ 500/- per amendment for our customers ₹ 1000/- for other bank’s customers |
1.10 |
Confirmation/Commitment charges on Advised Export LC a. Commitment Charges b. Usance Charge
Usance charges according to tenor of bill @ 0.25% per quarter or part thereof
For both the above minimum commission for one quarter to be recovered Min ₹.2000/- |
1.11 |
Acceptance commission for accepting Usance drafts to be Drawn on or accepted by banks in India. |
0.15% p.m. with Min. of ₹ 1500/- |
1.12 |
Foreign Bank Charges (For LC Advising/Amendment where charges are to be recovered from foreign bank) |
US $ 75 per LC |
1.13 |
Transfer of Advised Export LC |
₹ 1000/- for each transfer |
1.14 |
Approvals |
Uniform charges of ₹ 1500/- for all following approvals:
1.15 |
Non Submission Charges |
1.16 |
Other Charges on Export Bill |
*(Per returning plus out of pocket expenses, if any on actual basis)
2.1 |
Import Letter of Credit/ Revolving Letter of Credit /Letter of Credit Covering Imports of Goods on Deferred Terms |
Commitment charges also similar to usance charges i.e. part of a month should be construed as a completed month. (charges for the period of liability from the date of opening of credit to the last date of opening of its validity @ 0.25% for every period of 3 months or part thereof with minimum of ₹ 500/-)
*For individual Transactions, concession is to be extended on the incremental value. NOTE: The period is to be calculated from the date of opening LC to the last date of its validity + Usance period of bill and part of a month should be construed as a completed month. For sight LC, validity of LC+1 month.
FOR EXAMPLE, If a LC of ₹30.00 crore is to be opened, normal commission up to ₹5.00 crore plus one half of the normal commission for ₹20.00 crore plus one fourth of normal commission on balance ₹5.00 crore. Postages/Courier charges: ₹ 1000/-
2.2 |
Amendment in Import Letter of Credit |
2.3 |
Commission on Import Bills - Under L/C |
FCY bills at the time of crystallization or retirement whichever is earlier on which bank earns exchange benefit. |
b) |
FCY import bills received under LC where no Exchange benefit accrues to the Bank. |
c) |
If bills are not retired within 5 Banking days from the date of receipt of bills in case of demand bills and on the due date in case of Usance bills. |
Flat ₹500/- per default. (including Interest claimed by foreign bank if any) |
d) |
Discrepancy charges in case of non-confirming documents under LC to be mentioned at the time of LC opening. |
2.4 |
Commission On Import Bills – Not Under L/C |
On each bill drawn in FCY received by the bank, on which the bank earns exchange benefit. |
On each bill drawn in INR or each bill drawn in FCY on which bank does not earn exchange benefit. |
For Foreign Currency import bill required to be forwarded to another bank required for remitting proceeds to the remitting bank abroad. |
Handling charges of ₹ 2000/- per bill plus out of pocket expenses, if any on actual basis |
Countersigning / Co-acceptance / Availisation of Import Bills |
0.10% p.m. for the tenor of bills subject to a minimum of 0.25% |
Custody charges for overdue import bills (To be charged on upfront basis) |
₹ 150/- per month or part thereof for each bill, if the bill is not paid within 10 days from the due date / date of presentation. |
Returning Charges of Import Bills |
₹ 1000/ plus amount claimed by foreign bank plus out of pocket expenses, if any on actual basis. |
Follow-up of Pending Bill of Entry/Evidence of Import |
₹ 200/- per bill per month to be charged on upfront basis.
NOTE: Submission of Bill of Entry shall be considered as pending if the Bill of Entry is not submitted within 90 days from the date of Remittance. |
Import Transaction (To be recovered manually)
2.5 |
Obtaining opinion/credit report of overseas buyer/seller for our Importer/Exporter from Credit Rating Agencies |
Actual paid to outside agency plus out of pocket expenses |
Obtaining opinion/credit report of overseas buyer/seller for our Importer/Exporter from Foreign Banks |
Actual paid to Foreign Bank plus Swift Charges + processing charges ₹500/-
Providing opinion report to foreign Banks on our customers |
USD 100 per opinion report to Foreign Bank |
Release order for import, pending receipt of Airway documents |
₹1500/- for each release order. |
Remittances charges on advance payment for imports (par or full) (Advance remittance charges)
As per Serial Number a) & b) of Para 2.4
3.1 |
FOR PROJECT EXPORTS: Which include Bid Bond/ Bond for Earnest Money/ Guarantee for Advance Payment made by Foreign Buyers to Indian Exporters or Contractors/ Export Performance |
3.2 |
Deferred Payment Guarantees Covering Imports of Goods into India/ Repayment of Foreign Currency Loans |
0.50% per quarter or part thereof for the specified period of liability calculated on the amount of liability under such guarantee at beginning of every quarter with a minimum of ₹1500/-. Minimum charges for a quarter to be charged. |
3.3 |
Extension of Validity Period/ Enhancement in Value of Guarantee
3.4 |
All Other Guarantees (incl. SBLC) Not Specified Elsewhere |
Subject to Minimum ₹ 1500/- per guarantee. |
4.1 |
Commission on processing of Import and Export Leg of documents |
Commission as applicable to export & import leg of transaction. |
5.1 |
Inward/Remittances (Other than Exports) |
Encashment of TTs / purchase of MTs / DDs in respect of which cover has been received in NOSTRO Account:
5.2 |
OUTWARD REMITTANCES (Other than Imports) |
5.3 |
Export transactions (to be recovered manually) |
a |
Where pre shipment advance has been granted by our Bank against LC/Export order but the documents under the relative LC/Export orders are negotiated through another bank. |
Commission in lieu of Exchange @ 0.10% Min ₹ 2000/- Max ₹ 25000/- |
b |
Expoprt bill sent for collection and the payment is received in Rupees through another bank in India |
Commission in lieu of Exchange @ 0.10% Min ₹ 2000/- Max ₹ 25000/- |
c |
Where PCFC loan is utilized for payment of import bills (without reporting to Dealing Room) |
Commission in lieu of Exchange @ 0.10% Min ₹ 2000/- Max ₹ 25000/- |
d |
Application to RBI/ECGC for extension of time for realization of Export proceeds beyond prescribed period (Submission of ETX Form)
₹ 1000/- per application |
5.4 |
Import transactions (to be recovered manually) |
a |
In case of altering of tenor of the Bill of exchange |
Appropriate additional usance charges (as per point no. 2.1) on extended tenor to be recovered as charges for issuance on Import Letter of Credit with minimum of ₹ 2500/- |
b |
For filing requests with other banks |
₹ 1000/- |
c |
Commercial information on Indian Companies to Overseas Banks |
₹ 1000/- |
6.1 |
Forward Contracts |
7.1 |
Foreign Direct Investment |
7.2 |
OVERSEAS DIRECT INVESTMENT (by Resident in Joint Venture/Wholly Owned Subsidiary aboard- Scrutiny/ Filing) |
7.3 |
External Commercial Borrowing (ECB)
7.4 |
Liaison Office/Branch Office Of Foreign Entity In India (Set Up of LO/BO) |
7.5 |
Project Exports Application For Processing By Bank/RBI |
8.1 |
Swift Charges |
8.2 |
Other Charges |
9 |
VOSTRO/SRVA Accounts |
9.1 |
General |
Minimum Balance at the time of opening of New Accounts: ₹ 10.00 Lakhs Minimum Monthly Average Balance in the Account: ₹ 5.00 lakhs
All other charges will be at par with current a/c charges except following charges. |
9.2 |
Export Transactions handled through SRVA account in INR (Except Nepal and Bhutan) |
Our customer – @ 0.20% of transaction amount Other Bank customer – @ 0.40% of transaction amount |
9.3 |
Import Transactions handled through SRVA account in INR (Except Nepal and Bhutan) |
Our customer - @ 0.20% of transaction amount Other Bank customer - @ 0.40% of transaction amount
9.4 |
Account Services |
Statement of Account by Courier (on request) |
₹ 2,500/- + Applicable GST + Courier Charges |
Statement of Account through e-Mail (on request) |
₹ 1,000/- + Applicable GST (per request) |
Issuance of Duplicate Statement |
₹ 1,000/- + Applicable GST (per request) + SWIFT / Courier Charges + Out of Pocket Expenses |
Investigation / Queries |
Up to Six months from the date of transaction |
Waived |
Over Six months but up to One year from the date of transaction |
₹ 1,000/- + Applicable GST |
Over One year from the date of transaction |
₹ 2,500/- + Applicable GST |
9.5 |
Payments (Incoming) |
Waived |
9.6 |
Payments (outgoing) |
For Import: Transactions handled in INR (MT 103/202 Trade Transactions) |
9.7 |
Courier Charges (Foreign) |
₹ 2,000/- + GST |
Courier Charges (Local) |
₹ 200 + GST |
SFMS Charges (Domestic Communication) |
₹ 300/- + GST |
Out of Pocket Expenses |
On actual basis |
Repair Payment instruction/ Cancellations |
₹ 1,000/- + GST, per Repair / Cancellation |
Present rate of Tax – @18% |
9.8 |
Advising Commission (without engagement on our part) – |
Our Bank Customers |
₹ 1,000/- per LC |
Other than our Bank Customers |
₹ 2,000/- per LC |
Advising Amendments (without engagement on our part) – |
Our Bank Customers |
₹ 500/- per amendment |
Other than our Bank Customers |
₹ 1,000/- per amendment |
9.9 |
Advising Commission (without engagement on our part) – |
Our Bank Customers |
₹ 1,000/- per BG/SBLC |
Other than our Bank Customers |
₹ 2,000/- per BG/SBLC |
Advising Amendments (without engagement on our part) – |
Our Bank Customers |
₹ 500/- per amendment |
Other than our Bank Customers |
₹ 1,000/- per amendment |
S No |
Particulars |
Charges |
1.1 |
Minimum Balance Requirement and Charges for Not Maintaining Minimum Balance in the Account |
Savings Account:
Savings Account (Premium):
Current Account:
Current Account (Silver / Gold / Diamond/Vyavsaay):
At present, recovery of Minimum Balance Charges for Savings accounts is being done on Monthly basis. For Current Account, system stores the monthly average balance and Minimum balance charges are being recovered on quarterly basis based on the quarterly average balance.
Applicable Monthly Minimum Balance Charges in case of short fall:
Savings Account:
Savings Account (Premium):
Logic for calculation of Monthly Minimum Balance charges (Savings Account):
Monthly Average Balance maintained in the account is ₹.300/- for a particular month. As the average Balance in the account is short by 70% of the prescribed minimum balance, then the applicable charges for not maintaining the monthly average balance will be 70% of ₹.50/- i.e. ₹.35/-.
Monthly Average Balance maintained in the account is ₹.1,800/- for a particular month. As the average Balance in the account is short by 10% of the prescribed minimum balance, then the applicable charges for not maintaining the monthly average balance will be 10% of ₹.84/- i.e. ₹.9/-.
Current Account:
Current Account (Silver / Gold / Diamond/Vyavasaay):
Note:: These premium accounts will be reviewed as on last day of every quarter and if QAB is not maintained during two consecutive quarters then such account will be converted into normal current account and QAB will be recovered as applicable to Normal current Account and all benefits, facilities will stand withdrawn.
Logic for calculation of Quarterly Minimum Balance charges (Current Account):
Quarterly Average Balance maintained in the account is ₹.30,000/- for a particular quarter. As the average Balance in the account is short by 40% of the prescribed minimum balance, then the applicable charges for not maintaining the quarterly average balance will be 40% of ₹.300/- i.e. ₹.120/-.
Quarterly Average Balance maintained in the account is ₹.4,50,000/- for a particular quarter. As the average Balance in the account is short by 10% of the prescribed minimum balance, then the applicable charges for not maintaining the monthly average balance will be 10% of ₹.600/- i.e. ₹.60/-.
Common for both Savings and Current Account:
Certain Customer categories are waived from maintaining Minimum Balance, as detail Below:
Certain Products where Charges are waived
1.2 |
Duplicate Passbook / Statement |
Passbook/ Statement – Non-Individuals & Individual (All Branches)
Statement of Account with Shorter Frequency (For CD/CC/OD Accounts only): Customer to register e-mail login and utilize Net-Banking facility for downloading statement. |
1.3 |
Incidental / Ledger Folio / Account Maintenance Charges (Operative Accounts beyond Free of Charge Permissible Entries)
Free Folio Allowed in Current Account
For accounts maintained in computer, 40 entries or part thereof is treated as one ledger folio.
Charges beyond free limit
1.4 |
Cheque Book Issuance Charges |
1.5 |
Standing Instructions |
1.6 |
Stop Payment Instructions |
1.7 |
Cancellation / Revocation of Stop Payment Instructions |
1.8 |
Penalty Charges for Depositing Delayed Instalment Recurring Deposit Account |
₹ 1/- per 100/- pm irrespective of periodicity of deposits.
NOTE: Benefit of waiving penalty for delayed payments against payment of equal number of advance instalments in Recurring deposit account is not available. However, the Interest should be paid at applicable rate after deducting penalty charges
1.9 |
Closure of Account |
1.10 |
Operation in the Account |
NOTE: No charges in case of death of existing signatory/ account holder |
2.1 |
Issuance of Demand Draft |
2.2 |
Issuance of Duplicate Draft / Revalidation of Draft / Cancellation of Drafts / Other Instruments |
NOTE for Para 2.1 and 2.2:
2.3 |
Cheques (Including ECS) / Bills Returning Charges |
3.1 |
Collection of Outstation Cheques / Drafts |
Immediate credit of outstation cheques up to ₹15,000/- (on request as per above slab plus actual out of pocket expenses) |
3.2 |
Collection of Local / Outstation Bills Outward & Inward {Clean / Documentary / Usance & Supply Bills Including Bills Received Under Inland LC (Excluding Drafts, Cheques Etc.)} |
3.3 |
Outstation Returning Charges (Inward / Outward Collection) |
As per Para 2.3 |
3.4 |
Purchase / Discount of Cheques / Bills |
As per guidelines issued from time to time |
3.5 |
Collection of Deposit Receipts on Maturity |
In all cases, postage charges and other out of pocket expenses have to be recovered in full. |
3.6 |
Presentation of Usance Bills For Acceptance
₹100/- per bill +out of pocket expenses |
3.7 |
Collection of Interest / Dividend Warrant Directly Received By The Branch |
Dividend Warrants, Interest Warrants, refund Orders for amount up to ₹1000/- are to be collected at par, even they are drawn on other banks and payable at out station centres. Out of pocket expenses like postage etc. are to be recovered in full.
4.1 |
Saving Bank Accounts |
Applicable on Base & Non Base Branch
4.2 |
Current / Cash Credit/ Overdraft and Other Accounts of Customers |
Applicable on Base & Non Base Branch
4.3 |
Cash Handling charge both for Currency and Coins |
5.1 |
Saving Bank Accounts |
At Base Branch and Non-Base Branch: Free: Maximum 5 withdrawals in a month. Thereafter, ₹ 2 per ₹1000/- or part thereof. Minimum ₹ 25.00 |
5.2 |
Current / Cash Credit/ Overdraft and Other Accounts of customers |
At Base Branch and Non-Base Branch: Variants Current Account - Free Amount per day as per their respective QAB
Thereafter applicable charges will be: ₹ 2/- per ₹1000/- or part thereof. Minimum ₹ 50.00/- All other CA/CC/OD and other Accounts of Customers: Free up to ₹1.00 lakh per day. Thereafter, ₹2.00 per ₹ 1000/- or part thereof. |
6.1 |
Locker Rent Annual
(Above rate are excluding GST)
(Above rates are excluding GST) Note: Additional premium of 15% in annual rent of all categories of locker at following selected centres.
1)Gwalior 2) Baroda 3) Rajkot 4) Coimbatore 5) Nagpur 6)Pune 7)Jabalpur 8)Nasik 9)Madurai 10)Kota 11)Indore 12)Bhopal 13)Jodhpur 14) Mumbai 15)Raipur 16) Surat 17)Ludhiana 18)Vijayawada 19)Delhi 20)Jaipur 21)Thane 22)Chennai 23)Kolkata 24)Hyderabad 25)Pune 26)Patna 27)Agra 28)Amritsar 29)Lucknow 30)Bangalore.
6.2 |
Slab Wise Discount on Advanced Locker Rent |
6.3 |
Security Deposit Required for Lockers |
The locker holder (the Lessee) is required to keep an amount equivalent to three years rent + charges for break opening of the locker + ₹ 1000/- in the form of Term Deposit |
6.4 |
Restriction on Number of Operations |
No. of Locker operation (visit) up to 12 is free thereafter ₹ 100/- per visit (GST excluded).
NOTE: While issuing new locker, the branches are advised to include the following clause in the locker lease register. “I /We agree to pay ₹100/- per operation beyond 12 operations in a financial year” |
6.5 |
Refund of Locker Rent |
6.6 |
Other |
All charges for opening the locker, changing the lock and replacing the lost keys plus ₹ 1000/- (exclusive of GST) may be recovered from the hirer. The charges applicable for replacement of lost keys/issue of new password shall be communicated to the locker hirer.
6.8 |
Safe Custody Charges |
7.1 |
For Sr. Citizens Above 70 Years and Differently Abled Persons |
7.1.1 |
DSBS under PSB alliance at selected 100 centres |
₹ 75 + GST |
8.1 |
Old Record Enquiries |
Charges to be refunded for mistake detected on the part of the bank. |
8.2 |
Attestation / Certificate |
EXEMPTION: No service charges shall be levied for:
8.3 |
Other |
8.4 |
Concessional/ Exempted Categories |
8.5 |
Concessions Not Specified Elsewhere |
As per discretionary power vested with various sanctioning authority. |
Defence /Ex-service men /Paramilitary Forces /CISF |
Freedom fighters and their widows /widowers, widows of Defence Forces /Police forces personnel dying on duty |
No service charges to be levied on:
Senior Citizens |
No service charges for attestation / certificate
Pensioners |
Students |
Government Departments/ Ministries/ Departments of State Governments Including, Railways, Defence etc. |
All non-credit related service charges are exempted subject to maintenance of their account with any of our branches. |
Remittance / Collection facilities for PM’s / CM’s Relief funds |
Free remittance/ collection facilities are permissible for these activities. |
Collection of subsidy under Government Sponsored Schemes |
At par collection of cheques (only cheques issued by Government representing subsidy under Government sponsored Schemes). |
Teachers Employed in Government Run Schools / Central Schools |
Religious, Welfare Service, Charitable institutions etc. exempted from payment of income tax under the income tax act |
Specific Concessions of 100% exemption for renowned trusts, Temples, Missionaries, cancer societies, Helpage India, Ram Krishna Mission/Math, Foundations promoted by Government agencies.
Blind /Disabled /DIVYANG and Institutions set up for their benefit |
Cooperative Banks, Land Development Banks, Service Cooperatives, Districts Rural Development Agencies etc. |
Regional Rural Banks sponsored by our Bank |
*(These instructions (no. 1 to 4) shall remain operative till priority sector and lead bank division issues any fresh instructions in respect of any of these activities regarding Regional Rural Banks)
Wholly owned subsidiaries of the Bank |
To be provided free remittance facility from their corporate office to the branches and vice-versa without levying any service charges |
Special Transactions |
Cheques issued by Govt. of India in respect of grant made from the Prime Minister’s Relief fund to the State Govt., Dist. Magistrates, etc. should be collected without levying any service charges and credit be given immediately at par. |
Staff, Honourably retired Staff and widows / widowers of Honourably retired Staff |
No service charges shall be levied for various transactions. The accounts should be in single name of staff / ex-staff or jointly with a close relative where staff / ex-staff is principal account holder.
Postage and Out of pocket expenses if any, to be recovered wherever not specified |
S No |
Particulars |
Charges |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
1.4 |
National Automated Clearing House (NACH) Mandate |
2.1 |
For eligible account @ paisa 48 per SMS on actual basis. Maximum quarterly cap applicable to normal customers for both CD & saving account holders is ₹ 20/-.
EXEMPTED: PMJDY accounts, Prathmik Bachat Khata, PMKVY, Cent Bachat, Balbhavishya, Muskan, Unnati (FI-BC), Pensioners, Salary & Financial Inclusion accounts, Staff members, Retired Staff, Senior Citizen, Student accounts & transaction done through cent Mobile/INB.
3.1 |
Bunch Note Acceptor (BNA) / Cash Deposit Machine (CDM) |
4.1 |
Variant |
4.2 |
Card Issuance Charges |
4.3 |
Annual Maintenance Charges |
4.4 |
Card surrender and transfer of unutilized balance |
4.5 |
Hot Listing |
4.6 |
Card Replacement Charges/Recard issuance Charges (Duplicate Issuance) |
4.7 |
Duplicate PIN/ Regeneration of PIN through Branch |
4.8 |
Transaction declined due to insufficient Balance |
₹ 25/- |
4.9 |
For use of Bank’s own ATMs located in Metro and Non-Metro Areas
4.10 |
For use of other Bank’s ATMs located in Metro and Non-Metro Areas |
Number of Free transactions (Financial & Non-Financial)
Service Charges (Beyond 3 transactions for Designated Metros & 5 transactions for other centre)
4.11 |
International Transactional Charges (If said facility opted in Debit Card) |
Where our bank has the tie up with Foreign bank |
Where our bank do not have the tie up with Foreign bank |
NOTE: For Rupay JCB International Debit Card:
Point of Sale (PoS) / e-Com Transactions |
3% of transaction amount |
5.1 |
Fee Collection Module (FCM) |
₹ 2/- per ₹ 1000/- Minimum charge per transaction is ₹ 40/- |
5.2 |
Integrated Fee portal (IFP) |
5.3 |
CMS (Cash Management services) |
(Charges in paisa /per ₹1000)
Above charges will be for credit arrangements on actual realization basis; Minimum charge per instrument ₹ 2/-
5.4 |
ADM (Auto Debit Mandate) |
5.5 |
E – CMS |
₹ 5/- per transaction |
NOTE: Above CMS charges are standard charges and charges will be client specific and will be fixed as per the cost benefit analysis of business. |
S No |
Particulars |
Charges (All charges are inclusive of GST, except where it is specified) |
1.1 |
SB / RD / TD |
2.1 |
On-us (FI) |
2.2 |
On-us (Non-FI) |
Four free transaction across all channels. Charge to be kept at ₹ 20/- per transaction. |
2.3 |
On-us Intersol (FI) N |
2.4 |
On-us Intersol (NonFI) |
2.5 |
Upto ₹10000/- |
₹ 25/- per transaction |
2.6 |
₹10001/- to ₹15000/- |
₹ 35/- per transaction |
2.7 |
₹15001 to ₹20000/- |
₹ 45/- per transaction |
2.8 |
₹20001/- to ₹25000/- |
₹ 55/- per transaction |
2.9 |
AePS Acquirer |
2.10 |
AePS Issuer |
For Non FI: ₹12/- per transaction |
3.1 |
On-us (FI) |
6 withdrawals transactions (from all modes) free in a month, after this - ₹ 10 + GST |
3.2 |
On-us (Non-FI) |
Four free transaction across all channels. Charge to be kept at ₹ 20/- per transaction. |
3.3 |
On-us Intersol (FI) |
3.4 |
On-us Intersol (NonFI) |
₹ 20/- per transaction |
3.5 |
AePS Acquirer |
3.6 |
AePS Issuer |
Non FI: ₹ 20/- per transaction |
4.1 |
4.2 |
4.3 |
Fund Transfer (Non Cash Remittance) |
₹ 6/- per transaction (For remitter other than BSBD customer) |
4.4 |
Indo Nepal Remittance |
Charges at BC location
5.1 |
Aadhaar Seeding |
5.2 |
Request for Cheque Book, Debit Card |
No charge for “Request for Debit Card” 20 Cheque leaves free per half year. Cheque book issue request as under:
5.3 |
Stop Cheque Request |
5.4 |
Block Debit Card |
5.5 |
Cheque Receipt for Collection |
₹ 6/- per cheque leaf |
5.6 |
Passbook Update |
S No |
Services |
Individual |
Non-Individual |
Pool a/c |
Stock Broker – Collateral |
Cm/Sub broker Beneficiary A/c |
1 |
Account Opening |
2 |
Advance/Deposit |
Clients not maintaining SB/CA – A/c ₹ 10,000/- |
3 |
Account Maintenance Charges (AMC) |
Email ID for E-CAS |
4 |
Registered |
Not Registered |
Registered |
Not Registered |
a) |
Clients Maintaining SB/CA a/c with our Bank |
₹300 |
₹350 |
₹800 |
₹900 |
₹300 |
₹300 |
₹800 |
b) |
₹750 |
₹300 |
₹800 |
c) |
Clients Maintaining SB/CA a/c with our Bank |
₹600 |
₹700 |
₹1600 |
₹1800 |
₹600 |
₹600 |
₹1300 |
d) |
₹1250 |
₹750 |
₹1300 |
5 |
Speed-e Password Based (Incl. AMC) |
₹500 |
₹500 |
6 |
Speed-e Token Based (Incl. AMC) |
₹2000 |
₹2000 |
₹2000 |
₹2000 (incl. DSC Charges) |
7 |
Dematerialization (NSDL & CDSL |
₹2 per certificate with minimum ₹35/- plus actual postage as applicable |
NA |
NA |
₹2 per certificate with minimum ₹35/- plus actual postage as applicable |
Remat (NSDL) |
A fee of ₹10 for every hundred securities or part there of OR a flat fee of ₹ 10 per certificate; (Whichever is higher) |
NA |
A fee of ₹10 for every hundred securities or part there of OR a flat fee of ₹ 10 per certificate; (Whichever is higher) |
9 |
Commercial Paper/CDS MIBOR linked paper purchase/sales |
0.033% of market value with minimum of ₹30/- and max. of ₹300/- per instruction |
NA |
NA |
0.033% of market value with minimum of ₹30/-and max. of ₹300/- per instruction |
10 |
Transaction(Debit-Market, Off Market & Inter-Depository) & Redemption of Mutual fund unit |
0.03%; Minimum amount₹25/-, Max ₹5000 *Online trading / Speed-e: ₹10/-per transaction where AMC is Annual |
NSDL: ₹10/- CDSL: *Off Market/ Inter Depository Sell: ₹10/- *Off Market/ Inter Depository CM Delivery: 0.01% of Value; Min of ₹18/- *On Market Buy: 0.01% of Value; Min₹5/- and Max ₹12/ |
NSDL Only: ₹10/
₹13/- per transaction |
11 |
Pledge Creation (NSDL & CDSL) |
0.02% of value with min₹ 100 |
NA |
100 +* NSDLs actual charges, if any. ₹100/- will be charged for cancellation of Pledge, as cancellation charges |
0.02% of value with min₹ 100/ |
12 |
Pledge Creation confirmation (NSDL & CDSL) |
50% of pledge creation charges |
NA |
50% Charges of pledge creation |
13 |
Pledge Closure (NSDL & CDSL) |
₹50/- |
NA |
₹100+*NSDLs actual charges, if any |
₹50/- |
14 |
Pledge Closure confirmation (NSDL & CDSL) |
Same as Pledge Closure Charges |
15 |
Pledge Invocation per ISIN (NSDL & CDSL) |
₹50/- |
NA |
₹100+*NSDLs actual charges, if any |
₹50/- |
16 |
Failed instruction charges (NSDL & CDSL) |
₹10/- |
17 |
ADHOC Account Statement |
₹50/- |
18 |
Freezing/De-freezing charges |
₹25/- per transaction |
19 |
Late Fee |
₹50/- per transaction |
20 |
DIS booklet postage charges |
₹75/- each DIS Booklet |
GST shall be applied wherever applicable in above mentioned service charges guidelines.
Further, for more details, kindly visit the nearest branch of our Bank.